with (Presentations)
Image(federation.LinkMaker.LinkToImage(image), command, url),
Link(url, command, tip),
{ each | each.HasProperty(blogProperty) }.SortBy
{ each | each.Name.Substring(0, 1).Equals("_").IfTrueIfFalse({""},{[ "!", each.LastModified.ToLongDateString(), " ", each.Name, Newline,
"Posted @ ", each.Created.ToShortTimeString(), " in | ", each.GetListProperty(blogProperty).Collect
{ each | [ "Category", each, " | " ].ToOneString() }
{ each | each.HasProperty(blogProperty) }.SortBy
{ each | DateTime.Now.SpanBetween(each.Created) }.Collect
{ each | each.GetProperty(blogProperty).Contains(categoryName).IfTrueIfFalse(
each.Summary, " \"more ...\":", each.Name, Newline,
"Posted on ", each.Created.ToLongDateString(), " @ ", each.Created.ToShortTimeString(), Newline, "----", Newline ] }, { "" } ) }
{ each | each.Name.Substring(0, startsWith.Length).Equals(startsWith).IfTrueIfFalse(
blogPost.HasProperty(displayProperty).IfTrueIfFalse( {
blogPost.GetProperty(displayProperty).Length.Equals(0).IfTrueIfFalse( {
blogPost.HasProperty(linkProperty).IfTrueIfFalse( {
blogPost.GetProperty(linkProperty).Length.Equals(0).IfTrueIfFalse( {
[ "\"", blogPost.GetProperty(displayProperty), "\":", blogPost.GetProperty(linkProperty) ].ToOneString
{ blogPost.GetProperty(displayProperty) } )
"!Comments (", BlikiCommentsCount(blogPost, prefix), ") ", BlikiCommentLink(blogPost, prefix), Newline,
BlikiCommentTopics(blogPost, prefix)
{ each | each.Name.Contains([prefix, blogPost.Name].ToOneString()) }.SortBy
[ "!!!!Re: ", blogPost.Name, Newline, "Comment posted by ", LinkedProperty(each, "Author", "Url", "Anonymous"),
" on ", each.LastModified.ToLongDateString(),
" @ ", each.LastModified.ToLongTimeString(), Newline,
each.GetProperty("Comment"), Newline, "----", Newline ]
[ "\"Post Comment\":[", prefix, blogPost.Name, DateTime.Now.Year, DateTime.Now.Month, DateTime.Now.Day, DateTime.Now.Hour, DateTime.Now.Minute, DateTime.Now.Second, "]" ]
.See HowToUseTheBlikiLibrary for full instructions on how to use this library.
Click to read this topic09.07.2008 08:38:50 - author unknown
.A BlikiLibraryPlugIn is also available which replaces and enhances this WikiTalk version.
.Blog Archive
{ each | each.HasProperty("Blog") }.SortBy
{ each | DateTime.Now.SpanBetween(each.Created) }.Collect
{ each | [ " * ", each.Created.ToShortDateString(), " um ", each.Created.ToShortTimeString(), " [", each.Name, "]", Newline ] }
.A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
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