.One Minute Wiki
- A WikiWiki is a web of related pages, each of which has a picture (like OneMinuteWiki).
- Topics range from informal and unbaked to fully thought out.
- AnybodyCanChangeAnything; you are encouraged to start editing immediately!
- Editing is very, very easy; but whatever you do, please don't click Edit on the menu on any page. To edit the plain text follow the FormattingRules.
- If you want to cancel editing please use the browser's "Back" button. This helps to avoid unmodified copies of existing pages.
- If you're scared to change anything, try our PlayPage first...
- The general tone here is free and respectful.
- Every page change is recorded so you can see the history of pages. Cool hey!
- You can use the Show Changes button to see the changes made for each version of a page.
- That's all you need to know to begin editing.
- More information is available in the UserGuide, AdministratorGuide and DeveloperGuide
- A hopefully exhaustive list of all aspects of editing FlexWiki pages can be found at ListOfEditingTopics.
ESTWBuechenbach.OneMinuteWiki(1:8) : No such property or function: FlexWiki.DynamicNamespace.FlexWikiInformationRoadmap
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Click to read this topic09.01.2010 13:43:29 - author unknown